The Miyazaki Ghibli Film Festival will celebrate the classic works of renowned animator and storyteller, Hayao Miyazaki. As one of the founding members of Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki has influenced the world ranging from the youngest of children to the most mature adults through his creative works. The Hawaii Theatre Center’s (HTC) goal is to inspire the community, in particular the youth of Hawaii, to be Dreamers and Imagineers.
The Festival will showcase four films of the director and will be a collaborative effort with local and international partners. Studio Ghibli to provide merchandise and design for a special commemorative t-shirt available exclusively at the Festival. Art + Flea, an urban market for local vendors and artists, will be co-hosting and providing pre-show and intermission entertainment as well as run a Miyazaki character costume/cosplay contest. The ARTS at Marks Garage, a collaborative arts space, will coordinate an art and crafting workshop for children. Popular food vendors, including Pig & The Lady , Onomono, Wings Ice-cream, and Marukame Udon will be featured throughout the Festival.
The following Art + Flea vendors are confirmed for the event on July 9th and 10th of the festival:
Photo Ops Hawaii
EngiNERD Art
Nature Nurture Goods
Loads o’ Cuties
Death by Scrapbooking
Kawaii Mono
Two Art + Flea bands are slated to perform. The Drowning Dreamers Band will playon Friday, and Makkuro KurOKe will play on Saturday.
Jul 08, 2016 – Jul 10, 2016
The timeline of events for the Festival was as follows:
Friday – 7/8/16 – Opening Night
6:30-8:00PM Outside concessions with Pig & The Lady
7:00-7:30PM Entertainment by The Drowning Dreamers Band via Art + Flea
8:00PM Princess Mononoke (subtitled)
Saturday – 7/9/16 – Second Day
3:00-8:00PM Outside concessions with Onomono
3:00PM-8:00PM ART+FLEA in Weyand Room
4:00PM Kiki’s Delivery Service (dubbed)
5:00PM-6:30PM Pop-up dinner at Pig & The Lady
7:00PM-7:30PM Entertainment by Makkuro KurOKe via Art + Flea
8:00 pm: Spirited Away (subtitled)
Sunday – 7/10/16 – Closing Day
11:00-3:00PM Outside concessions with Onomono
11:00AM-3:00PM ART+FLEA in Weyand Room
2:00PM Costume/cosplay contest
3:00PM My Neighbor Totoro (dubbed)
On sale June 7, 2016 at the Hawaii Theatre Box Office. Call 808-528- 0506
during business hours, Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m.or visit
$15.00 for Adults, $10.00 Youths (17-under), children 3 and under are free. A $3 theatre restoration fee is included in the ticket cost.
Follow #miyazakifilmfesthi on Instagram!
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