Celebrate the birthday of the founder of the shaka – Hamana Kalili. The Polynesian Cultural Center will be hosting the first-ever “Birthday Party” in Hukilau Marketplace. This event is free and open to the public.
From L??ie, Hamana Kalili (1882-1958) originated the unique hand-sign now called the shaka, with the thumb and little finger extended, and the other three fingers curled into the palm.
Kalili’s family, some who still live in Laie, say the tall, powerfully-built Hawaiian waterman lost the first three fingers of his right hand in a nearby sugar mill accident. After he was reassigned to the sugar cane railroad, he used the gesture to signal the train that was ready to roll. Local kids, who would sometimes hook rides (and munch sugar cane), copied Kalili’s distinctive wave. Later, thousands of visitors followed and gradually began to spread the gesture around the world.
The Birthday Party will start with lei draping and followed with hula performance. Guests will be served cakes and ice cream.
For more information visit the website.
June 16, 2017
This Week Hawaii
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